Former Mayor Faria to be honored
A public notice was issued by Los Banos City Clerk Lucy Mallonee on Friday, Sept. 30 entitled Vacancy of the Office of Mayor. It is expected that Paul Llanez, the only candidate in this year’s election for mayor, will be appointed at next Wednesday’s regular council meeting to the vacancy created by the resignation of Tom Faria on Friday, Sept. 16. (See related article)
The notice reads as follows: (please place notice PDF, here)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at its Regular Meeting of October 5, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers at 520 J Street in Los Banos, the City Council of the City of Los Banos will consider filling the vacancy of the office of Mayor. All persons interested in being considered to fill the vacancy of the office of Mayor are invited to attend and make a five (5) minute statement/presentation to the City Council as to why they should be considered to fill the vacancy for the former Mayor’s unexpired term (expected to expire upon certification of November 8, 2022 General Election results).
The City Council may appoint any qualified person who is at least eighteen (18) years of age, a resident of Los Banos, and a registered voter.
Dated: September 30, 2022”
When reached for comment and asked if anyone had contacted him, Llanez said, “No one has called me or invited me. I’m just going to show up.”
“If I have a five-minute presentation or interview…when Council Member Faria moved over to mayor, this is what happened last time for the District 2 spot,” he explained.
“I don’t know if anyone else is being considered or planning on being interviewed or will make a presentation,” Llanez added.
The appointment vote is on the council meeting agenda as item 9 and entitled, “Consideration of approval of city council resolution no. 6564 – filling the vacancy of the office of mayor by appointment to serve out the remainder of the unexpired term of the incumbent.”
Whomever is appointed will serve until the newly elected mayor takes the oath of office, which is expected to occur at the first council meeting in December. That is also expected to be Llanez as the only candidate for mayor on this year’s ballot.
Prior to the appointment vote, under item 5, Presentations, the council will consider adopting a Resolution of Commendation for former Mayor Tom Faria.
The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 520 J Street and can be viewed livestream on the city’s YouTube channel.
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