For kids 7-14
Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your game and get ready for our fall youth volleyball season, which begins Nov. 9th, at the last of two Youth Volleyball Skills Clinic, Saturdays, Oct. 19th.
Presented by the Parks & Recreation Department and Pacheco High School, these volleyball clinics focus on the fundamentals: Serving, Passing, Setting, Hitting and Defense.
Ages 7-10 8:30-10:30 am
Ages 11-14 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Registration is $40 for both days or $25 per day.
The Clinics will be held in the Community Center Multi-Purpose Room at 645 7th Street.
Register for the Clinic at losbanos.org/city-government/departments/recreation and scroll down to the “Sign-Up Online” link or call (209) 827-7034. For more information email [email protected].