Groundbreaking ceremony held for Loftin Stadium revitalization

On August 27, 2022 by Michael Cosenza, Sports Reporter
Officials and coaches prepare to ceremonially break ground including (l-r) Merced County Superintendent Dr. Steve Tietjen, LBUSD Superintendent Mark Marshall, “Legendary” Coach Don Toscano, LBHS Principal Jason Waltman, LB Tigers Football Head Coach Dustin Caropreso, LBHS Athletic Director and teacher Joe Barcellos, Coach Gary Caropreso, LBUSD Board President Anthony Parreira and Trustee Gary Munoz. Photo by Michael Cosenza

Officials and coaches prepare to ceremonially break ground including (l-r) Merced County Superintendent Dr. Steve Tietjen, LBUSD Superintendent Mark Marshall, “Legendary” Coach Don Toscano, LBHS Principal Jason Waltman, LB Tigers Football Head Coach Dustin Caropreso, LBHS Athletic Director and teacher Joe Barcellos, Coach Gary Caropreso, LBUSD Board President Anthony Parreira and Trustee Gary Munoz. Photo by Michael Cosenza

Thursday, August 25, 2022, was a monumental day for the Los Banos Tiger football community, as the beginning of a new era for Loftin Stadium. A groundbreaking ceremony took place, highlighting the plans for a new facility. Plans include a revamp of the entrance and three buildings: bathrooms, a locker room and snack stand. 

Attendees from the community included the Tigers cheer team and band, Los Banos VFW American Lodge, county and city officials, coaches and staff. Eager words were spoken by lead architect, Edgar Sanchez, explaining the process of the project. His enthusiasm to lead this effort was well received. Sanchez’s goal for completion is no later than the end of the 2022-23 school year, ready to kick off next football season with Tiger Pride.

The stadium is located at the end of Washington Avenue next to Los Banos County Park off of E. Pacheco Blvd. 

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