Introducing the Los Banos Enterprise under new ownership and leadership
Welcome to the new and improved Los Banos Enterprise providing The News Of, By and For the People by focusing on what’s happening in this city – from the government, schools, clubs, non-profit organizations and businesses, to dining, arts and entertainment, youth sports, history, faith and more.
Publishing for 131 years, and now under new ownership, the Enterprise has a new look with the founder of the city, Henry Miller depicted in our masthead. We also have an enlarged circulation mailing to all 16,300+ homes and businesses in the 93635 ZIP Code, with a total of 17,000 copies with extras in stacks and racks throughout town, twice each month.
We want this to be your newspaper and website, with articles and information from residents, schools, clubs, businesses, churches and organizations. We can’t be everywhere or know everything happening in Los Banos. So, we’re relying on you to keep us informed or submit your own article about something special your family member, friend, club, business, church or organization has accomplished. Then we’ll edit and publish it with a photo or two.
It’s a free, family-friendly paper paid for by our advertisers, whom we appreciate for being our partners in getting the news to you.
Please send us your story or ad to [email protected].
A bit about me: I’ve been publishing local newspapers for over 16 of the past 22 years. For now, I’m the interim publisher and editor as we look to hire a local editor, reporters and ad sales representatives.
If interested in a position with the Enterprise please contact me by email or call (209) 519-0230, today. We look forward to serving you.
Allen D. Payton