Deadline Dec. 29
Because there were no candidates in the race for Los Banos City Treasurer in this year’s election, the city council has voted to fill the vacancy by appointment and hold an application process for those interested. The City Treasurer is paid $100 per month and will be offered benefits including medical, vision, dental and life insurance. CalPERS Membership participation will be optional.
City Clerk Lucy Mallonee issued the following notice of the appointment process on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022:
“Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Los Banos is accepting applications for the City Treasurer appointment. The City Treasurer is a ministerial office whose duties are regulated by statute, resolution, and ordinance. The City Treasurer position is a part-time elected official with most duties performed by a full-time city staff member. The only requirement for City Treasurer is that they are 18 years of age, a registered voter, and a resident within the city limits of Los Banos.
If you are interested in serving as City Treasurer and meet the requirements listed above, please complete the application below or on the City’s website at www.losbanos.org or contact the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 520 J Street by email [email protected] or by phone (209) 827-2412 to request an application be sent to you.
The deadline to submit an application to the City Clerk is Thursday, December 29, 2022, by 12:00 noon.”