Los Banos District 3 Councilman Brett Jones has announced he will be running for re-election to a second term.
In a post on his official Facebook page on Monday, July 18, 2022, he wrote:
“It’s been a privilege representing Los Banos District 3 these last 4 years. The time has come again for me to continue my public service and run again in my mission to help improve this little town we all call home. I’m current seeking nominations and your support is greatly appreciated. Please send me a direct message or call me on my cell and I would be more than happy to come to you for your signature.
Thank you for your continued support.
Brett Jones
(209) 769-2738”
He shared a graphic of the map of District 3 and a copy of his nomination papers for which he needs signatures of registered voters who live in the district.
When reached for additional comment about his re-election bid, Jones said, “I already have enough signatures to qualify and have an appointment set up for Thursday at the county elections office.”
Asked what his major issues are he responded, “what we really need is commercial industry, from shopping amenities to jobs. We have a ton of homes. We need a number of revenue streams of sales and property taxes from businesses. So, commercial development is the key to bolster the economy. The number one thing is making it easier for businesses to come into town.”
Filing opened on Monday and will close on Friday, August 12 for District 3 since the incumbent is running, again.