Mayor Faria will be there
One firm withdraws leaving two to choose from
Mayoral candidate Llanez Calls Process of Waste Time, Taxpayer Money
Following last week’s split vote in Mayor Tom Faria’s absence, another special Los Banos City Council meeting has been called for Thursday afternoon to choose the search firm for finding a permanent city manager. (See related article)
The meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom. See below for details.
The mayor was asked on Tuesday, if he planned to attend Thursday’s meeting and what caused him to miss last week’s meeting. He responded, “Yes. I will be there. I had a family emergency.”
Both Faria and City Clerk Lucy Mallonee were asked if any of the firms had withdrawn from the process and if so, which one(s) and had they provided a reason, but neither responded.
Asked the same question. Interim City Manager Greg Wellman confirmed that Oklahoma-based ProRecruiters had withdrawn from the process.
“So, we’re down to Koff & Associates out of Berkeley represented by Frank Rojas and Sectaris Partners from Merced,” he said. “The issue tomorrow is this. We have two firms left. Do you feel comfortable in choosing one of these two firms you have left and do you have any specific guidance for staff?”
Llanez Calls Process Waste Time, Taxpayer Money
Before last week’s meeting, the only candidate to file for mayor in the November election, Paul Llanez said it was a waste of time and money.
On his campaign Facebook page he wrote on August 14, “There is a special council meeting this week to select the consulting firm to recruit the next city manager. Now that we know there will be a new mayor in November, this is an absolute waste of time and tax payer dollars. The decision of hiring the city manager should be made by the council who will actually be working with this person and not by an outgoing mayor and a council seat that won’t be decided until the election. If you feel the same way, let your city council know.”
“I look at it from a business and continuity standpoint,” he added when reached for comment. “I think they just ought to take their time to make the best decision for the city and there’s no rush.”
“The other issue is can they find a candidate who would want to come to work in this situation,” he added.
Special Meeting Information
Below is the Zoom call in information for the August 25, 2022 City Council SPECIAL Meeting starting at 2:00 PM.
Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone at: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81963236084?pwd=L1pLNHdUNkk4VG1Wbm9BVk1kRFNlZz09
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Attached is the Agenda for reference and here’s the link(s) to the Agenda packet: https://losbanos.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/CC-Agenda-Packet-8.25.22.pdf
Here‘s the link to view meeting on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3sy5_sIYr3447mZsrqI5Tg
Please be sure to mute your microphone when you are not speaking.