On Friday, September 9, 2022, at approximately 5:56 a.m., the Los Banos Police Department responded to the 1500 block of W. Pacheco Blvd. regarding an unresponsive subject in the roadway. Upon arrival, officers located a deceased male lying in the roadway who appeared to have been struck and killed by a vehicle. There was vehicle debris in the roadway and the male appeared to have been thrown into the south curb line from the force of the impact.
Detectives are investigating this incident and we believe someone in our community has information about this case. We are asking anyone with information to contact Detective Michael Neal at (209) 827-2520.
To leave an anonymous crime tip call 209-827-2545. If you have access to a computer and the internet you can also leave an anonymous tip at the Police Department’s web page at www.losbanos.org. At the bottom of the “Contact” page simply click on the “report graffiti and other crime” link or visit the Merced Area Crime Stoppers by telephone at 1-855-725-2420, or at www.mercedareacrimestoppers.org