Homeless housing grants and location, public camping banon Oct. 2nd Los Banos City Council agenda

On October 1, 2024 by Allen Payton, Editor
Map of proposed location (yellow area) for the Permanent Supportive Housing Project for Los Banos homeless residents along the Rail Trail between Place and Ward Roads. Source: City of Los Banos
Map of proposed location (yellow area) for the Permanent Supportive Housing Project for Los Banos homeless residents along the Rail Trail between Place and Ward Roads. Source: City of Los Banos

Plus, more park improvements, 25 new townhomes, Downtown Master Plan

By Allen D. Payton

LOS BANOS, CA — During their regular meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024, the Los Banos City Council is expected to authorize the City Manager to execute agreements for over $14.3 million in grants for homeless housing and services and give direction to staff on the location of the affordable housing project. The council will also consider approving almost $1.7 million in improvements for the AG Sports Complex and a 25-unit private, gated townhome project, a new ordinance banning camping and storage of personal property on public property, and the Downtown Master Plan.

Homeless Grants and Location of Affordable Housing Project

As previously reported, earlier this year, Mayor Paul Llanez announced the City had been awarded the $11.8 million grant for permanent supportive housing of the city’s homeless residents. According to the city staff report for agenda item 9A for Wednesday’s meeting, on April 18, 2024, the California lnteragency Council on Homelessness awarded the City of Los Banos Encampment Resolution Fund Round 3 (ERF-3-R) funds in the amount of $11,842,621.00 for a Permanent Supportive Housing Project consisting of fifty (50) units of affordable housing, supportive services, operating subsidies, and administrative costs.” The State requires 50% of ERF-3-R funds be expended by June 30, 2025, 100% of the grant funds be obligated by June 30, 2025, and 100% of the funds be expended by June 30, 2027. Of the awarded amount, $580,601.00 is eligible for administrative costs of the project.

In addition, under agenda item 10A, the council will consider approving acceptance of an additional $2.5 million grant to expand the homeless housing project. According to the city staff report, on July 31, 2024, the Central California Alliance for Health awarded the City of Los Banos funds in the amount of $2,500,00.00 in support of the 50-unit ERF Permanent Supportive Housing Project. The CCAH funds will expand the project by adding five two-bedroom, one-bathroom units for households or families, taking the total project to at least fifty-five units.

The City of Los Banos Housing Division is responsible for developing a City-Wide system response to homelessness. The Housing Division offers Outreach and Engagement, Case Management, Housing Navigation, and connection to services, income, benefits, and health care. The Housing Division also identifies opportunities for grant funds supportive of the City’s commitment to solve homelessness by developing Affordable Permanent Supportive Housing designated for People Experiencing Homelessness.

City staff is recommending the housing project be located on a City-owned parcel adjacent to the Rail Trail between Place and Ward Roads.

Public Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance

Later on the agenda, under aitem 11, the city council will consider adopting a new ordinance banning camping and storage of personal property on public property. It follows the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court allowing state and local governments to adopt and enforce such ordinances. The proposed ordinance reads, “It is unlawful and a public nuisance for any person to camp, occupy camp facilities, build, maintain or establish an Encampment, occupy an Encampment, use camp paraphernalia, or store or maintain personal property in or on Public Property or Waterways at any time, unless specifically authorized or permitted by the City, in writing.”

AG Sports Complex Improvements

Earlier in the meeting, on the Consent Calendar under agenda item 7E, City staff is requesting that the council adopts the resolution awarding the Construction Contract to Ronnys Inc. in the amount of $1,669,918.10 for the AG Sports Complex. The project will renovate each field, improve the irrigation system, replace the outfield netting, install trees along the outfield perimeter of each field, remove and replace the deteriorated batting cage area, replace the playground and replace fencing from the dugouts to the outfields.

According to the staff report, “The AG Sports Complex, located at 700 N. Mercey Springs Road, was constructed in the 1980s on part of a former landfill. The Complex currently consists of approximately 9.5 acres of developed land that includes two softball fields, a parking lot, a dog park, a concession/restroom building and a playground. The Complex is one of the largest parks in Los Banos and is designated as a community park by the Parks Master Plan. It is used by both youth and adult sports groups. The Complex has residential and regional access by serving the surrounding subdivision and being accessible from Highway 165.

The Complex has deteriorated in condition since the 1980s. Both fields feature out of date irrigation and grading issues. Improvements will create safe playing conditions for athletes and the aesthetic improvements will help to solidify AG Sports Complex as a destination park for Los Banos.”

25 Townhomes in Private, Gated Community

Under agenda item 8 the council will consider approving the proposed Snow Goose Townhomes Project residential development consisting of 25 townhomes within a private gated community. It is planned for the northwest corner of Snow Goose Drive and N. Creekside Drive. On September 11, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the project.

Los Banos Downtown Master Plan

The council, under agenda item 12, will also consider approving the Los Banos Downtown Master Plan as the guiding document for the revitalization and future development of the downtown area. According to the city staff report, the Master Plan builds upon previous planning efforts and collaboration with the public, businesses, and property owners to improve the public realm, encourage development, and advance recommendations of the Downtown Strategic Plan adopted in 2020. It established a vision statement for the vibrant and welcoming downtown to better connect to regional corridors, improve mobility, and increase the visibility of the cultural heart of the City.

The goals of the Los Banos Downtown Master Plan include enhancing walking and biking facilities, enhanced streetscapes and new community gathering spaces, implementing green street concepts and high-quality landscaping, upgrading underground utilities, and improving signage and wayfinding.

The plan provides a phased approach to implementation that improves infrastructure needs such as undergrounding utilities, repaving roadways, and shortening crosswalks as well as the urban design and placemaking elements such as paving, lighting, and public assembly areas. The plan provides additional concepts and details for consideration as phases advance towards design

Cost estimates have been developed and range between $3,300,000 and $19,200,000. The estimated cost for implementation of all the streets within the Downtown is $94,200,000.

Council Meeting Time, Location & Public Comments

The council meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 520 J Street and can be livestreamed on the City’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@losbanos406/videos. In-person general public comments can be made during the Public Forum and specific comments can be made for each agenda item. For those who cannot attend the meeting, public comments may be made and emailed no less than three hours prior to the meeting to [email protected]. For a copy of the council meeting agenda package visit https://losbanos.org/category/city-council/.

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