According to various community members, when it comes to great activities the City of Los Banos does not disappoint. It was announced on the City of Los Banos Parks and Rec Division Facebook page that their newest and “largest recreation guide ever” has come out recently. In the guide, you will find information on city parks, rentals, upcoming activities and events, classes, city project updates and much more. Junior Warriors Basketball is currently in progress. Opening and picture day for basketball was held on Saturday, January 7, 2023, at the Los Banos Community Center. Games will conclude in February. According to Realtor and volunteer coach Shuyue Martinez, “This is my first season coaching youth basketball. The children are having so much fun learning fundamentals. In just three games I have seen the skills they learn at practice put to good use at the games. Watching each child get more comfortable each week is amazing. They have begun to come out of their shells.”
She went on to say that “My 17-year-old daughter Alyssa Velasquez is helping me coach. We got to attend a coach’s clinic at the Warriors training facility in Oakland a few weeks ago. It was an amazing experience.” According to Los Banos resident and parent Jamielee Caredio, “My children really enjoy participating in city programs and look forward to them. They have played volleyball, flag football and right now one of my children is playing Junior Warriors basketball – and loves it! Our family really appreciates the city for all they do for our community.”
Also, according to Los Banos resident and parent Angela Zapien, “This basketball season has been fun for our family! It’s our second year participating. We have three of our sons playing in different age groups. To see them have fun, be around their friends and make new friends is always joyful to see. We enjoy spending our Saturdays playing/watching basketball!”
Lastly, according to volunteer coach Michael Lopez, “I love coaching for Parks and with basketball. I’ve been coaching for almost 20 years, and it’s never been better. Kids are eager to learn and are having fun.” Thank you to the city staff for always keeping us informed on what’s going on – so that we may report it out to the community!
For more information, please visit their website at LosBanos.org.