Late, former Los Banos High head football coach, athletic director
By Sammie Ann Wicks
It was smiles, fellow-feeling, and warm community bonds Thursday, Aug. 8 in the City Council chambers as members of the Los Banos Unified School District Governing Board of Education met not only to complete regular board business, but to optimistically usher in a new school year. The highlight of the meeting was the naming of the field at Los Banos High’s Loftin Stadium after the late Joe Bondi, the school’s former head football coach and athletic director.
It seemed appropriate, then, that Los Banos teen Joshua Sandoval stepped up as the first person to address the board, with his father, Domingo (Sandoval Wood Creations owner) looking on.
“My family just wants to thank the school district for using our business,” the younger Sandoval said, “because it lets us continue to help take care of the schools. We enjoy being there with the kids.”
In the same vein, Board Member Dayna Valadao drew powerful attention to what, she said, was at the heart of the whole educational process she sees herself as part of.
“When I just went and toured the schools,” Valadao declared, “I have to say it was so exciting to see the teachers engaging with staff to get off to a great start.” She had high praise for one educator in particular.
“Ms. Rains (Administrator Stacia Rains) at HME (Henry Miller Elementary School) was talking with staff about student expectations, and her approach really struck me,” Valadao, a former teacher herself, continued. “She was just perfectly modeling what leadership in our district really means.”
For Trustee Gene Lieb, it was upbeat, too, and all about the kids.
“Driving by one night, I looked over and saw Los Banos High School seniors painting their parking spots,” he said, “and their artwork was simply amazing.”
With energy in the meeting room undiminished, the board settled in and got down to regular business, led by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mark Marshall, who offered praise for a recent district achievement, along with a cautionary reminder.
“First, you remember the district was awarded a micro-grant for 2020-2023 in the amount of $200,000 for the Community Schools program,” Dr. Marshall recounted. “That got us started.” Greater accomplishments lay ahead, he added.
“Then, we were awarded $20.1 million for a five-year period,” he continued. “And we were one of the highest fundings.” Now came the Superintendent’s word of caution.
“When you’re given that kind of money,” he mused, “you expect there will be a lot of state oversight, and that state representatives will be down here making sure you do (what you set out to do.)”
In other business, District Transportation Supervisor David Taylor told board members an innovative technology program will soon increase levels of student safety.
“The new program will enable us to know exactly where students are, and whether they’re on the right bus,” Taylor said.
He also reported that district bus drivers had been receiving, and had expressed satisfaction with, new levels of training for any contingency.
“We’ve been able to offer ‘active shooter’ training, for instance,” Taylor said, “and we had a really good response from drivers on that.”
Taylor added his office is working toward the goal of using all district buses, rather than charter vehicles.
In other action, the board approved a resolution allowing instructors to teach outside their credential area, presented by Chief Academic Officer of Educational Services Sean Richey; and another establishing a Community Schools Coordinator position for service over the next five years.
The board went on to unanimously approve naming Loftin High School Stadium football field Joe Bondi Field.
After an introduction to the proposal by Dr. Marshall, Board Member Lori Gattuso spoke to clarify aspects of the proposal.
“I’m sure everybody knows this,” Gattuso noted, “but I wanted us to be clear that it’s Loftin Stadium overall, and we’re just naming the field.”
A long-time celebrated area coach, Bondi started his coaching career in 1964, served as Los Banos High School’s athletic director and assistant coach, and went on to become head coach.
Bondi was born in San Jose, California in 1932, served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War, and later attended San Jose State College, graduating with a degree in Physical Education.
During his service as a coach, his Los Banos team was ranked in the top 12 in stats in the Western Athletic Conference.
He passed away on Sept. 10, 2020.
Following the motion by Gattuso that the board approve the field name change, and a second to her motion by Lieb, the board unanimously approved the field be named Joe Bondi Field.
Loftin Stadium was renovated beginning in 2022 in time for the 2023 football season. It is located at the end of Washington Avenue next to Los Banos County Park off of E. Pacheco Blvd.
See meeting agenda and watch the board meeting.