The Rotary Club of Los Banos #585 held their first evening meeting of the year on January 10, 2023, at Valley Spring Memory Care (VSMC), located at 555 Miller Lane in Los Banos.
According to Los Banos Rotary member Sandra Benetti, “Rotary Club of Los Banos #585 is the local chapter of Rotary International. The mission of the Rotary International is to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.”
She goes on to say that “The Rotary Club of Los Banos began serving the Los Banos community in 1940. They currently meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. The second Tuesday meetings are held at noon at St. John’s Lutheran Church, located at 250 West Adams Avenue in Los Banos, while the fourth Tuesday meetings are held in the evening and the location rotates between different restaurant venues in Los Banos each month.”
Around 25 people attended the meeting including Los Banos Mayor and Rotary President Paul Llanez. According to VSMC Executive Director Krista Willson, Los Banos Rotary members enjoyed a homemade meal that was prepared by VSMC chef Eddie Pena and cook Elena Aleman. “We served baked salmon with creamed spinach and mashed potatoes. The dessert was a baked pear with orange sherbet – a community favorite! We look forward to hosting many more local groups in our community.”
If you would like for Valley Spring Memory Care to host your next group meeting please contact Elizabeth Reynaga at: 209-710-4783.