Have a flag placed at your home or business on eight holidays throughout the year
It can be easily proven that part of being an American is having a healthy dose of patriot pride and a big part of having patriot pride is honoring the American Flag. Throughout every American battle, war, election and celebration the flag has flown high with those red, white and blue colors standing proud and strong!

Show your patriotism by joining the Flag Program run by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2487 and the American Legion Post 166 wherein, for a yearly fee, an American flag will be placed at your residence or business on the following Flag Service Schedule:
• President’s Day – February
• Memorial Day – May
• Flag Day – June 14
• Independence Day – July 4
• Labor Day – September
• Patriots Day – September 11
• Veterans Day – November 11
• Pearl Harbor Day – December 7
Flags will be placed at approximately 6:30 am and will be picked up at approximately 4:30 pm. The fee is $80 for the first year, which includes the flagpole and the drilling of the hole, and a payment of $30 every year after. A form, which can be found on their website

www.losbanosveterans.org/community-service/flag-program/ must be completed and mailed in order to sign up for theprogram.
Now, a bit about the organizations:
The American Legion Post 166 was established in Los Banos in 1920 and the VFW Post 2487 was established in 1932. Usually, these two groups run and operate separately. The Los Banoscommunity is special because the two organizations have joined together in a combined effort to serve veterans and the local community, sponsoring several community programs and activities including their Flag Service Program and Annual Veterans Day Parade.
Not only are they a big part of the local community, but they are also the only ATLAS Care Center in California. ATLAS is an innovative program that provides telehealth services in order to reduce the need for long travel times to VA facilities.

Be sure to check out this phenomenal organization at losbanosveterans.org and help support their efforts by donating.
They can be contacted via email at [email protected] and are located at 615 E Street.