On the fall evening of October 29, the City of Los Banos held the 2022 Fall Festival at the Ag Sports Complex located at 700 N. Mercey Springs Rd. The fall themed fun began at 5:00PM with a pumpkin patch, pumpkin painting/art, bounce houses, games, a trunk or treat, a spooky maze and more.
A Kalpulli Izkalli Aztec dance performance was one of the highlights of the evening. According to the City of Los Banos website, “Kalpulli Izkalli is a grass roots, intergenerational, action and resource group formed to transform the health and environment of our community. Celebrating Culture, Healing & Justice.” Various vendors such as Churros DLT, Nana Steph’s Delights, Estella’s Kettle Corn and Amanduh B Creations were selling food, treats and other items.
Peninsula Clean Energy and City of LB Parks & Recreation were among those giving away prizes and information at their booths. The fun evening ended with the movie “Hocus Pocus” playing on the big screen.