Safe and Sane Fireworks are legal in the City of Los Banos only July 1st-4th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
The Police Department would like to remind everyone that it is unlawful for any person to possess, store, sale, and use or explode any dangerous firework. To be considered legal in Los Banos, all fireworks must display a “Safe and Sane” fireworks logo. The penalty for dangerous fireworks violations in Los Banos holds a fine of $1,250.00.
Please take a moment to review our firework regulations and safety tips.
• It is unlawful to discharge any Safe and Sane Fireworks within the City of Los Banos except from the first day of July to the fourth day of July, and only during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
• Safe and Sane Fireworks are only allowed to be discharged on private property. No fireworks shall be discharged on public streets/right of ways, or in public parks, on private open areas such as parking lots, or on vacant properties.
• It is unlawful for individuals under the age of 18 years to purchase or posses Safe and Sane Fireworks.
• It is unlawful for any person having care, custody, or control of a minor under the age of 18 years old, to permit such minor to discharge, explode, fire, or set off any fireworks, Safe & Sane or dangerous, at any time.
• Dangerous fireworks are unlawful in the State of California and the City of Los Banos. Use of dangerous fireworks will be cause of immediate seizure and citation.
• Do not use alcohol or be under the influence of any controlled substance. Only individuals who act responsibly should light fireworks.
• Never let children handle, play with or light any fireworks.
• Never aim, point or throw any fireworks at another person.
• Do not light fireworks in an area where there is dry grass or brush that could catch on fire.
• Be cautious when lighting fireworks during windy conditions.
• Do no light fireworks near or in the general area of flammable liquids or flammable items.
• Always keep your head and your body away from the firework when lighting and never hold a lit firework in your hand.
• Always light fireworks with an extended device.
• Light only one firework item at a time.
• Never attempt to re-light, alter or fix any “dud” firework items. If a fireworks item fails to ignite, let it stand for at least five minutes, then immerse in a bucket of water for 10 minutes.
• Have a working fire extinguisher, garden hose and bucket of water nearby for emergencies.
• Immerse used fireworks in a bucket of water for 10 minutes before disposing in the trash.
• The noise and lights from fireworks is often frightening to some animals. It is very important that you be careful with pets.
• Never use fireworks indoors.
• Always store fireworks in a cool, dry place, and out of the reach of children.
We want the residents of Los Banos to have a fun and safe 4th of July!